Our Mission
Enhancing the quality of life by advancing our regional trails movement.
Our Vision
Building a world-class trail experience connecting people, trails, and communities in West Michigan.
We’re committed to developing a non-motorized, connected trail system.
A system that links urban and rural communities, protects habitats and natural areas, and provides active and alternative transportation options linking people with services and attractions throughout West Michigan.
We counsel trail groups looking to build or expand trails, work with public and private partners to develop plans for regional trail development and the funding to support it, and collaborate with community organizations to ensure trails best serve the people, habitats, and environments they travel through.
WMT is a catalyst for the strategic development and support of the regional trail system. There are more than 850 miles of West Michigan trails, and we have played a role in nearly half of those miles.
As part of our strategic plan, we are committed to elevating the West Michigan trail system to best serve the communities that utilize it every day and to attract trail enthusiasts from around the country. We plan to do this by working to connect trails, promote the use and access for all, and ensure safe trails by building a unified signage system.
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You can also mail your donation to
1345 Monroe Ave NW Suite 244
Grand Rapids, MI 49505
To donate stocks please contact our executive director, John Morrison for details.
(616) 485-7805