Plans are well under-way for the reconstruction of the Musketawa Trail using American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funds. The Trail’s first sections were paved in 1997 with the final segment of the 25-mile trail from Marne to Muskegon built in 2000 - it is time for a face-lift!

The ARPA funding will fund construction of Phase 1 of the project, but matching funds are needed for the desired trail amenities including benches, fencing, wayfinding signs, and parking lot improvements. We need YOUR help. Please consider donating to The Friends of the Musketawa Trail to help support the project. You can donate by clicking on the Donate button below. Click here more information on the Friends of the Musketawa Trail.

You can follow progress on the project on the state’s ARPA progress page at: Building Michigan Together Plan - state parks progress