A Walk Down WMT’s Memory Lane

Our History


We began and remain, a small grassroots core group of individuals representing the region. We have a dedicated Board of Directors, who are individually engaged in the trails network projects, who promote the trails’ best interests, and oversee good stewardship of funds. We currently hold Executive Board meetings monthly, along with multiple events to connect with trail builders, leaders and supporters.

Our purpose continues to be that of addressing the regional trails network. We are committed to developing a non-motorized, linked-trail system that serves to connect community-to-community, city-to-countryside; a trail network that helps protect habitats and natural areas, and provides alternative transportation options to reach the parks, historic landmarks, cultural sites, and civic destinations throughout West Michigan. We believe that by connecting our communities and rural areas, we can reconnect with each other, and build something sustainable for future generations to enjoy.

WMTGC helps to create new trails groups, consults on the trail-building process, and assists with the development of regional trails throughout West Michigan. We partner with a number of foundations and other like-interest partners and organizations to help provide an environmentally positive learning and recreational experience, while helping to preserve green spaces, wildlife habitats, and the fragile pristine areas of West Michigan that are so unique to our region. We serve as a resource, consultant, advocate, liaison and developer for grassroots trail groups and communities wishing to establish a trail and/or trail system in their area. We work with state & local governments, foundations, corporate partners and private donors to find funding and manage a realistic plan for the development and maintenance of trails.